Pass the selector All value to other dashboard in MicroStrategy

We encountered an issue where we tried to pass several prompt answers through parameterized links from one cube-based dashboard to another. We were able to get the normal methods to work, however, when the “all” option was selected, it didn’t function as desired. By not enabling, we would be sacrificing the end user experience; something we were determined not to do.

For example: using the link editor and selecting the “answer prompts dynamically” option worked, but if a user had a selector set to “all” it would not answer that prompt. We tried numerous approaches to fix this and have the ability to pass “all” as a prompt answer, including, using value prompts, setting up our prompts directly in the report, but the method outlined below was the solution that worked for us in the end.

Step 1 - Set Up Your Prompts

  1. Right Click > New > Prompt
  2. Select "Filter Definition Prompt" and then "Choose from an attribute element list." Click Next. 
  3. Choose your attribute. Click Next.
  4. Make sure "List all elements (no restriction)" is selected. Click Next.
  5. Make sure "Prompt answer required" is unchecked. Click Next.
  6. Do not select any default answers.
  7. Finish and Save.

    Step 2 - Add your prompts to your report for the Child Dashboard

    1. Right Click on the Report > Edit
    2. Under the "View Filter" box, click "Click here to start a new qualification"
    3. Click on "Field" and scroll all the way to the bottom and choose "Select a prompt..."
    4. Find the prompt you created. Click OK.
    5. You should now see "Shortcut to: [your prompt name here]"
    6. Repeat for all necessary prompts. Save and Close.

      Step 3 - Set Up Your Selectors

      1. On your Parent Document - Right Click > Edit
      2. Create your Selectors. Make sure "Apply selections as a filter" and "Show option for All" are checked.  Also, ensure that "Current state" is set to "Unset (no filter)" and the Selection type is set to "Include". 
      3. Repeat for all necessary selectors. Save.
      Step 4 - Set Up Your Link
      1. In the Panel Stack that your selectors are in, "Create a Panel Stack" to place your link in.
      2.  Place text or an image to be used as your link. Save.
      Step 5 - Write your Syntax
      • Find your selector :"nodes"
            a. Open the Parent Document in Editable Mode
           b. View > Source
           c. Use Ctrl+F to help find the proper area in the source code. Type in the attribute name      of the selector. You’re looking for the “<span id=”###”” that belongs to each selector.     Write down the number you find for each for. For example in this source code the Node    Number for Brand is K72.
          d. Repeat for all selectors.
      • Find the link to your Child Document.
           a. In MicroStrategy Web, Right Click on the Child Document > Show Link
           b. Copy and paste the link into a text editor.
           c. Remove everything before "main.aspx?...."
           d. Also remove “Server=____” This will prevent the link from going back to the wrong server after migration.

      Your link should now look something like this:


          e. Add “&elementsPromptAnswers=” to the end of your link
          f. Using your nodes construction the rest of your link using the following method:
          For example:

       Note: If your Attribute name is more than one work surround the ID with square brackets like so:
      {&[Brand Family]@GUID};{&CurrentSelectionElementID:K72&}

      g. Using comma’s to separate, add all of the ID Syntax’s to the end of your link. For example:

      Step 6 - Add your link

      1. Open your Parent Document - Right Click > Edit
      2. Right Click on your link text or image > Properties
      3. Under the General Tab, check "Is a Hyperlink" and paste your Syntax in the provided box"
      4. Click OK. Save and Close.
      Step 7 - Test your work in MicroStrategy Web
      With this method we were able to give the client their desired ability to pass selector from one dashboard tier to the next. Allowing them to effectively drill down through the data in a linear fashion, without having to reselect filters or answer prompts. Thus, creating a seamless navigation process throughout all the dashboards.


      laxmicynixit said…
      nice information thanks for sharing..........!
      micro strategy certification training