Hierarchy in Microstrategy

Hierarchies are grouping of attributes which can be displayed, ordered or unordered, to reflect their relationships to other attributes. It contains the attributes that are directly relates to each other.

 It is grouping of attribute which can be displayed, ordered or unordered to reflect their relationship with other attributes. 
There are 2 types of hierarchies, System hierarchy and User hierarchy
System hierarchy
 The System Hierarchy contains the true relationships (i.e., parent-child) between all the attributes in the schema.When you create attributes and their relationships, you automatically create the system hierarchy.  This includes all the attributes in the project and their respective relationship.  The parent child relationship that you create determines the system hierarchy within the project .It cannot be edited but updated every time employee add or remove child or parents.
User hierarchy  
It is unordered and can easily change its design to include additional attributes. It provide the convenient paths for browsing attribute data .they may or may not reflect the structure of the hierarchy in your logical  data model  but you define the structure of the user hierarchy  based  , how user need to browse the data . Provide the flexibility in element browsing and report drilling. User hierarchy are also not limited to directly related attribute, it can include attributes from different hierarchy.
Hierarchy Display
We can perform the following action to in the hierarchy editor to control hierarchy display.
Locked Hierarchy: A hierarchy is locked when at least one attribute within that hierarchy has the element display option set to lock.
Limited Hierarchy: A way to restrict the viewing of attribute elements in the data explorer is to limit the number of elements that display at one time.
Filtered Hierarchy: - We can add filters to a hierarchy to control how data is retrieved and displayed.
Locked   :  No elements of the attribute are shown within the system hierarchy in the data explorer.
