Allow/Restrict Remote Desktop Login by No. of user

Sometime it required that we do not want to allow more user to login to system and only few concurrent user can login. In that case we need someway to set the system , so that it can allow only few user and if user exceed then get some error message and once system has less number of user than allocated then only additional user can login.

For such setting we can try this.

  1. Log into the server/system and open MMC.exe.
  2. File → Add/Remove Snap-in → Group Policy Object → Add → Finish → OK.
  3. Double click Local Computer Policy → double click Computer Configuration → Administrative Templates → Windows Components → Remote Desktop Services → Remote Desktop Session Host → Connections.

  4. Limit Number of Connections = 999999.
  5. Restrict Remote Desktop Services users to a single Remote Desktop Services session = DISABLED.

    Based on the requirement we can set the connection for server.
