Configure SMTP Smart Host Server for MicroStrategy Health Center

As we are aware that the from MicroStrategy 10, we have Master Health agent and it works with the MicroStrategy new components called Operation Manager to handle the administrative task and monitor  the system better . Operation manager has multiple counters for different operations and it helps in the administrative tasks such as reports the status of server, Available caches,User sessions etc. 
For delivering the alerts to the recipients it uses SMTP server for email delivery.
We can configure the SMTP service by using below steps.

Follow the steps below to specify an SMTP Smart Host Server on a Master Health Agent machine:
  1. Stop the Master Health Agent process:

    For Windows, please use Services under the Administrative Tools to stop "MicroStrategy Master Health Agent" service.
    For UNIX or Linux, please use "kill" command to terminate the process. To find out the process id or name, follow the technical note below:
    TN33877 - How to find the Master Health Agent process or Health Agent process ID and name on Unix/Linux platforms.

  2. Create Config.xml (see an example below) file under the Master Health Agent folder,
    For Windows, the folder location by default is at C:\Program Files\Common Files\MicroStrategy\Health Center\<machine_name>
    For UNIX or Linux, the folder location is /HealthCenter/<machine_name>

    Sample Code/Error

  3. Modify the <IPAddress> and <Port> to point to the Smart Host Server.
  4. Save the file and start the Master Health Agent process.
